Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So I went to the doctors yesterday and was officially put on the schedule for January 10th, I check in at 6am.  The nerves have hit. I am trying to focus on what it will be like after all is said and done and less on the actual surgery itself. But I am scared, nervous and excited all wrapped into one.
I am working a lot of overtime at work to get all my bills paid up a few months ahead of time.  I haven't put too much thought into my hospital bag or even my contact list. I do know my father, my best friend and my ex husband are all going to be there when I go in and will there when I get out. 
I still have to have my ekg and chest x-ray done.  I meet again with my nurse for my teaching on the 30th and on New Years Eve I start my 10 day liquid fast or "liver shrink".  I am going out shopping over the next few weeks to stock up on low sodium broth, fat free jello and anything else that I can have on the liquid diet. All suggestions are more than welcome!
I have all the leave approved from my work. So I think for now I just sit back and stick with my two protien shakes a day and a healthy dinner.